This is the first vintage copper pot I bought, and it’s my favorite.
- Type: Tin-lined rondeau in hammered finish with brass handles fitted with three copper rivets
- French description: Rondeau étamé et martelé avec poignées en laiton munies de trois rivets en cuivre
- Dimensions: 34cm diameter by 9cm high (13.4 inches by 3.5 inches)
- Thickness: 4mm at rim
- Weight: 7182g (15.83 lbs)
- Maker and age estimate: Dehillerin; 1900-1930s?
- Source: FrenchAntiquity (Etsy)
This is just a terrific old pan and I was very lucky that it was my first purchase. I remember digging it out of its shipping box and being stunned by how gorgeous it is. Did you know that really old copper has a wonderful scent to it?
The stamp is Dehillerin, identifying the chaudronnerie that made it. Based on the stamp I believe this to be an early 20th century piece.
The tin lining on the interior was well-used but largely intact. There were some tiny spots of revealed copper, but not enough to require immediate retinning. I actually cooked a few dishes in it in this condition.
I’ve since had this pan refurbished by East Coast Tinning in Providence, Rhode Island, and they did a fabulous job. Here’s the pan polished, relined, and ready for another 100 years.
One issue with this pan is that it is out of round — that is, it’s been subjected to some kind of physical stress that’s deformed the shape a little bit. You can see below how the shape of the pan is not quite a perfect circle.
This means that a drop-in lid won’t fit neatly on it. Instead I use flat lids and they work fine. I’ve decided I love this pot no matter what.