Here’s a running list of all posts on the site.
By nameBy dateBy categorySitemap
Posts by name
- 10 inch Lee & Wilkes Windsor
- 14cm Allez Frères saucepan and 22cm Grands Magasins du Louvre sauté
- 14cm Dehillerin soup pot “Hotel de Paris”
- 14cm double-stamped Vanneuss-Pommier saucepan
- 15cm Gaillard marmite bombée, “Marilyn”
- 15cm Van Neuss saucepan, “Leopold”
- 16cm and 18cm stewpots, “Les mystérieuses”
- 16cm bain marie à sauce
- 16cm bain-marie, “Fontainebleau”
- 16cm Lefèvre for Wagons-Lits soup pot, “3152”
- 17cm Windsor and 18cm saucepan by Jules Gaillard
- 18cm casserole à glacer
- 18cm Gaillard sauté “E de R Paris 1924”
- 18cm saucepan with inverted “M”
- 19cm and 20cm sauté pans “Louise”
- 20cm Adolf Witt saucepan “1896”
- 20cm and 24cm Gaillard sautés
- 20cm stewpot, “Dehillerin Successeur Lagaldie”
- 22cm no-name rondeau
- 22cm soup pot and cul de poule
- 22cm, 24cm, and 28cm Dehillerin and Mauviel saucepans
- 23cm braisière “Alfonso & Victoria Eugenie”
- 23cm Dehillerin saucepan, “Bride of Frankenpan”
- 23cm Dehillerin Windsor, “1 Rue Montmartre”
- 23cm Lefèvre casserole “EPH”
- 24cm and 28cm Bourgeat sauteuses bombées
- 24cm Pommier Windsor
- 26cm and 31cm Mauviel skillets
- 26cm and 32cm Mauviel stockpots
- 26cm J Gaillard saucepan with hammered base
- 26cm Mauviel for Bridge Kitchenware sauté with helper handle
- 26cm sauté “W”
- 27cm 3.8mm Gaillard sauté pan
- 27cm Van Neuss-Pommier saucepan
- 28cm Havard rondeau
- 28cm nickel-lined Dehillerin stewpot
- 28cm overstamped mystery sauté
- 29cm and 30cm Pommier saucepans with lids
- 30cm aluminum Mauviel for Matfer stewpot
- 30cm Bottega del Rame padella due manici
- 30cm J. Gaillard silver-lined truitière
- 30cm Jules Gaillard rondeau
- 30cm likely Dehillerin stewpot “W”
- 30cm Mauviel sauté
- 30cm Peter Brux Windsor
- 30cm saucepan “BG”
- 30cm saute “Frankenpan”
- 31cm skillet with helper handle
- 32cm 4mm Jules Gaillard saucepan
- 32cm Dehillerin stewpot “PN”
- 32cm Mauviel for Chomette Favor rondeau
- 32cm saucepan for Blaser & Cie
- 32cm swing-handled high-top daubière
- 34cm Allez Frères oval cocotte
- 34cm brass-handled saucepan with helper handle
- 34cm Dehillerin rondeau
- 34cm H. Pommier stewpot, “ML”
- 34cm Jones Bros. saucepan “Moulton Paddocks”
- 34cm Jules Gaillard and 36cm J. E. Gaillard saucepans
- 34cm sauté with fitted lid for Blaser et Cie
- 36cm Dehillerin stewpot “Cité Universitaire de Paris”
- 36cm Gaillard daubière, “Napoleon”
- 36cm Gaillard for Wagons-Lits rondeau “1706”
- 36cm J & E Gaillard sauté
- 36cm Pommier tall stewpot with tap
- 36cm rondeaux “Omnium Hotelier” and “The Bailey’s Hotel”
- 36cm sauté with helper handle, “British Transport Commission”
- 38cm daubière, “Henry VI”
- 38cm Dehillerin stockpot “Lavigne”
- 38cm Lefèvre for Wagons-Lits rondeau
- 40cm daubière, “Henry VIII”
- 40cm daubière, “Louis XIV”
- 40cm double-dovetailed stewpot “H.B.”
- 40cm Duval daubière, “Charlemagne”
- 40cm Gaillard rondeau
- 40cm J. Gaillard 4mm rondeau
- 40cm Jacquotot oval gratin
- 40cm Lamalle side-handled daubière
- 40cm Mauviel for Chomette Favor stewpot
- 40cm Mauviel sauté pan
- 40cm Mauviel truitière
- 41cm sauté with helper handle, “Waldorf Hotel”
- 42cm Wagons-Lits sauté, “OC”
- 44cm J. E. Gaillard sauté “Anglais”
- 46cm 4mm rondeau “CM”
- 46cm Dehillerin-Legry daubière
- 50cm Gaillard stewpot “DD”
- 50cm jambonnière ovale
- 50cm no-stamp rondeau
- 55cm plaque à rôtir
- 56cm jambonnière en forme violon
- 58cm diamond saumonière
- 60cm Pichon poissonière
- A distress call
- A family resemblance?
- A little science about copper and tin
- A tale of character loved and lost
- Additional historical catalogs added
- Alex’s J de R stockpot
- An extraordinary discovery
- An interview with Jules Gouffé
- Antique vs. vintage vs. modern
- Bad tin
- Being wrong about Jules
- Calling all copper detectives…
- Can you spot the replaced rivets?
- Cleaning carbonized gunk
- Cleaning up tin
- Cockerel redux
- Community: What’s your “desert island” batterie?
- Cooking with a copper daubière
- Cooking with copper: My favorite pasta
- Cookware advice from 19th century England
- Copper at Giverny
- Copper by hand: Historical poêlerie in Villedieu
- Counting Mauviel’s rivets
- Cupretam, Cuprinox, and Cupronil
- Dear VFC: Episode 1
- Dear VFC: Episode 2
- Dear VFC: Episode 3
- Dear VFC: Episode 4
- DITR: 24cm Miquelard sauté pan
- DITR: Bryan’s Duparquet saucepan
- DITR: The craziest buy I ever made
- Doing bad things to copper
- Everyday cooking with vintage copper cookware
- Flight of Gaillard Windsors
- Funny colors
- Get to know: The écumoire
- Get to know: The Pommes Anna pan
- Get to know: The sugar pan
- Guest post: 20cm BIA Cordon Bleu sauté pan
- Guest post: A little story about a big spoon
- Guest post: A tale of three Windsors
- Guest Post: A Tale of Two Duckies
- Guest post: Amy’s Batterie de Cuisine
- Guest post: Amy’s Entree to Copper
- Guest post: Braig and Wagner
- Guest post: Chefs and copper
- Guest post: Cold Weather Copper Cooking
- Guest post: Electroplated tin repair
- Guest post: English pot-bellied saucepans
- Guest post: Fortt & Sons copper jelly mould
- Guest post: Gerhard rescues two sauté pans
- Guest post: In lieu of Halloween
- Guest post: Jacquotot’s final days
- Guest post: Jos Heinrichs copper/steel bimetal “KA-2”
- Guest post: Matt’s Danish saucepan
- Guest post: My new lèchefrite
- Guest post: Passion or obsession?
- Guest post: Princess Agnes’ Copper
- Guest post: Removing the layers
- Guest post: Restoring a pot at home, part 1
- Guest post: Restoring a pot at home, part 2
- Guest post: Roger’s 32cm plat à sauter
- Guest post: Roger’s lucky find
- Guest post: Seafood Poached In Cajun Bouillon with Vinegar
- Guest post: Swiss coppersmith Anton Vesti
- Guest post: The ice cream bombe
- Guest post: The wee Windsor
- Guest post: The Welfen royals
- Guest post: Three pans from three German houses
- Guest Post: Victoria the Great and my little one
- Guest project: Gebrüder Schwabenland
- Guest showcase: 16cm and 18cm soup pots
- Guest showcase: 16cm dovetailed Windsor
- Guest showcase: 20.5cm Leon Jaeggi bain marie
- Guest showcase: 22cm Jacquotot gratin
- Guest showcase: 26cm Gaillard 3.3mm sauté
- Guest showcase: 26cm Smith & Matthews saucepan “Paddington”
- Guest showcase: 30cm oval cocotte for Blaser et Cie
- Guest showcase: 36cm Dehillerin daubière
- Guest showcase: 46cm Gaillard rondeau
- Guest showcase: 50cm dovetailed turbotière
- Guest showcase: 50cm restored Gaillard rondeau
- Guest showcase: Early and late Jacquotot sautés
- Guest showcase: Elkington saucepans for P&O
- Guest showcase: L. Jean, Legry, and Jacquotot saucepans
- Guest showcase: Stephen’s 50cm sauté
- Guest showcase: Trio of tinned bains marie
- Guest showcase: Trizac saucepans with lids
- Guest showcase: Two Jules Gaillard oval cocottes
- Handmade measuring cups
- Help needed!
- How it was made: English stockpot
- How it was made: High-top daubière
- How to tell a silver lining from tin
- How to tell nickel from stainless
- I smear pans so you don’t have to.
- In praise of no-name copper
- Interior finishes on stainless-lined pans
- Is this counterfeit Mauviel? (Solved: False alarm.)
- Jacquotot, Gaillard, and déjà vu
- Jean Boisserie, maître dinandier
- Kitchens with copper: Buckingham Palace
- Kitchens with copper: Château de Montgeoffroy
- Kitchens with copper: Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare, New York
- Kitchens with copper: Frýdlant Castle, Czech Republic
- Kitchens with copper: The Breakers
- Kitchens with copper: Windsor Castle
- Maintenance: Metal polish for tarnish
- Maintenance: Rusty iron handles
- Martin’s batterie de cuisine
- Mauviel’s Masterpieces: Copper at the Grands Magasins Du Louvre, Paris
- Mauviel’s path forward
- Measuring copper thickness
- Monet’s stove
- My batterie de cuisine
- My problems with Baumalu
- Mystery: Jacquotot-Allez Frères?
- Nickel, the “perfect metal”
- Picking a good tinner
- Price by weight
- Reader profile: Martin
- Removing polymerized oils
- Rondeau, stewpot, soup pot, stockpot… how to tell the difference
- Ruthless pragmatism meets whimsical luxury: The brass duck press
- Salt, lemon, ketchup: Testing homemade copper cleaners
- Scrollwork handles and the cockerel stamp
- Searching eBay for French copper
- Set of daily-use Gaillard saucepans
- Set of five hammered aluminum saucepans
- Set of three roasting pans, “Les trois sœurs”
- Shipping boxes I have known
- Solved: Who or what was F. Ekhart in Vienna?
- Spanish copper and sidewall seams
- Stephen’s batterie de cuisine
- Stuff I use: Bistro copper cleaner
- Stuff I use: Renaissance wax
- Stuff I use: Simichrome metal polish
- Stuff I use: Wright’s copper cleaner
- Tarnish, Part 1: The beginning
- Tarnish, Part 2: The end
- The demise of Mauviel’s cast iron handles
- The importance of being Ernest Mauviel
- The Jacquotot “J”
- The misleading “Gaillard Paris” stamp (updated)
- The mystery of the dog-bone handles
- The mystery of wrinkled brass handles (solved!)
- The psychology of seasoning
- The Three Bears
- The zig-zags
- Tin is safe
- To retin, or not to retin?
- Trio of Legry saucepans
- Trio of pans “Edmond James de Rothschild”
- Two sautés for Tissier and Émile Duval
- Unpacking a well-packed pan
- Using typefaces to identify vintage copper
- VFC visits Dehillerin
- Weight matters.
- What is this conical pan?
- Who made this distinctive pan?
- Working pans: 30cm antique plat à sauter
Posts by date
- 46cm Dehillerin-Legry daubière
- Kitchens with copper: The Breakers
- Monet’s stove
- Guest post: A little story about a big spoon
- Guest post: Jos Heinrichs copper/steel bimetal “KA-2”
- Additional historical catalogs added
- Copper at Giverny
- Guest post: Swiss coppersmith Anton Vesti
- Guest post: Braig and Wagner
- Guest post: Matt’s Danish saucepan
- Guest post: Gerhard rescues two sauté pans
- Get to know: The écumoire
- Guest post: Three pans from three German houses
- VFC visits Dehillerin
- Get to know: The Pommes Anna pan
- Guest post: Cold Weather Copper Cooking
- The mystery of the dog-bone handles
- 46cm 4mm rondeau “CM”
- Alex’s J de R stockpot
- Guest Post: Victoria the Great and my little one
- Jean Boisserie, maître dinandier
- 56cm jambonnière en forme violon
- Guest post: Princess Agnes’ Copper
- Get to know: The sugar pan
- Guest Post: A Tale of Two Duckies
- Guest post: Seafood Poached In Cajun Bouillon with Vinegar
- Cleaning up tin
- Cooking with copper: My favorite pasta
- Kitchens with copper: Frýdlant Castle, Czech Republic
- Handmade measuring cups
- Dear VFC: Episode 4
- Community: What’s your “desert island” batterie?
- Kitchens with copper: Buckingham Palace
- Guest post: English pot-bellied saucepans
- Dear VFC: Episode 3
- Kitchens with copper: Château de Montgeoffroy
- 18cm Gaillard sauté “E de R Paris 1924”
- Kitchens with copper: Chef’s Table at Brooklyn Fare, New York
- Guest showcase: Stephen’s 50cm sauté
- Kitchens with copper: Windsor Castle
- Dear VFC: Episode 2
- Being wrong about Jules
- Guest post: Chefs and copper
- In praise of no-name copper
- The Jacquotot “J”
- Dear VFC: Episode 1
- 15cm Gaillard marmite bombée, “Marilyn”
- Price by weight
- 28cm overstamped mystery sauté
- 36cm Dehillerin stewpot “Cité Universitaire de Paris”
- Guest post: Amy’s Batterie de Cuisine
- Guest project: Gebrüder Schwabenland
- 14cm double-stamped Vanneuss-Pommier saucepan
- Mauviel’s path forward
- Jacquotot, Gaillard, and déjà vu
- 15cm Van Neuss saucepan, “Leopold”
- Guest showcase: 22cm Jacquotot gratin
- 32cm 4mm Jules Gaillard saucepan
- Spanish copper and sidewall seams
- DITR: The craziest buy I ever made
- Guest post: Fortt & Sons copper jelly mould
- DITR: 24cm Miquelard sauté pan
- How it was made: High-top daubière
- 34cm sauté with fitted lid for Blaser et Cie
- DITR: Bryan’s Duparquet saucepan
- Working pans: 30cm antique plat à sauter
- Two sautés for Tissier and Émile Duval
- 55cm plaque à rôtir
- 26cm J Gaillard saucepan with hammered base
- How it was made: English stockpot
- Guest showcase: Trio of tinned bains marie
- 18cm saucepan with inverted “M”
- Stuff I use: Wright’s copper cleaner
- Who made this distinctive pan?
- 36cm Pommier tall stewpot with tap
- 29cm and 30cm Pommier saucepans with lids
- 27cm 3.8mm Gaillard sauté pan
- 32cm saucepan for Blaser & Cie
- Cockerel redux
- Guest post: The wee Windsor
- A distress call
- Guest showcase: 26cm Gaillard 3.3mm sauté
- Guest post: Removing the layers
- A family resemblance?
- An extraordinary discovery
- Cooking with a copper daubière
- Guest post: A tale of three Windsors
- Guest post: In lieu of Halloween
- Trio of Legry saucepans
- Guest post: Roger’s 32cm plat à sauter
- 36cm Gaillard for Wagons-Lits rondeau “1706”
- Guest post: Amy’s Entree to Copper
- Guest post: Jacquotot’s final days
- Is this counterfeit Mauviel? (Solved: False alarm.)
- Guest post: The Welfen royals
- What is this conical pan?
- Stephen’s batterie de cuisine
- Maintenance: Rusty iron handles
- The Three Bears
- Maintenance: Metal polish for tarnish
- 23cm Dehillerin Windsor, “1 Rue Montmartre”
- Guest post: 20cm BIA Cordon Bleu sauté pan
- Guest post: Passion or obsession?
- 16cm bain-marie, “Fontainebleau”
- Guest post: Roger’s lucky find
- Guest showcase: 26cm Smith & Matthews saucepan “Paddington”
- Guest showcase: 36cm Dehillerin daubière
- Martin’s batterie de cuisine
- Guest showcase: 16cm dovetailed Windsor
- My batterie de cuisine
- Scrollwork handles and the cockerel stamp
- Guest post: My new lèchefrite
- 23cm Dehillerin saucepan, “Bride of Frankenpan”
- Guest post: Restoring a pot at home, part 2
- Guest post: Restoring a pot at home, part 1
- 34cm brass-handled saucepan with helper handle
- Mystery: Jacquotot-Allez Frères?
- 20cm and 24cm Gaillard sautés
- Guest showcase: 16cm and 18cm soup pots
- Guest post: Electroplated tin repair
- Reader profile: Martin
- Guest showcase: Early and late Jacquotot sautés
- Guest post: The ice cream bombe
- Guest showcase: 30cm oval cocotte for Blaser et Cie
- 34cm Jones Bros. saucepan “Moulton Paddocks”
- 20cm stewpot, “Dehillerin Successeur Lagaldie”
- 34cm Jules Gaillard and 36cm J. E. Gaillard saucepans
- Guest showcase: Trizac saucepans with lids
- 30cm saute “Frankenpan”
- The misleading “Gaillard Paris” stamp (updated)
- Guest showcase: 20.5cm Leon Jaeggi bain marie
- Cookware advice from 19th century England
- 17cm Windsor and 18cm saucepan by Jules Gaillard
- Guest showcase: 50cm dovetailed turbotière
- Guest showcase: Elkington saucepans for P&O
- Guest showcase: Two Jules Gaillard oval cocottes
- 27cm Van Neuss-Pommier saucepan
- Weight matters.
- 30cm Peter Brux Windsor
- Measuring copper thickness
- Set of three roasting pans, “Les trois sœurs”
- A little science about copper and tin
- 32cm swing-handled high-top daubière
- 58cm diamond saumonière
- Solved: Who or what was F. Ekhart in Vienna?
- Guest showcase: L. Jean, Legry, and Jacquotot saucepans
- 34cm H. Pommier stewpot, “ML”
- Can you spot the replaced rivets?
- 42cm Wagons-Lits sauté, “OC”
- 40cm J. Gaillard 4mm rondeau
- Help needed!
- 40cm Lamalle side-handled daubière
- Set of five hammered aluminum saucepans
- Calling all copper detectives…
- 24cm Pommier Windsor
- 36cm rondeaux “Omnium Hotelier” and “The Bailey’s Hotel”
- 23cm braisière “Alfonso & Victoria Eugenie”
- Guest showcase: 50cm restored Gaillard rondeau
- 41cm sauté with helper handle, “Waldorf Hotel”
- 20cm Adolf Witt saucepan “1896”
- Ruthless pragmatism meets whimsical luxury: The brass duck press
- Nickel, the “perfect metal”
- 40cm Mauviel truitière
- Guest showcase: 46cm Gaillard rondeau
- 14cm Dehillerin soup pot “Hotel de Paris”
- 30cm J. Gaillard silver-lined truitière
- How to tell a silver lining from tin
- Picking a good tinner
- 19cm and 20cm sauté pans “Louise”
- 26cm Mauviel for Bridge Kitchenware sauté with helper handle
- 14cm Allez Frères saucepan and 22cm Grands Magasins du Louvre sauté
- 34cm Allez Frères oval cocotte
- To retin, or not to retin?
- 16cm and 18cm stewpots, “Les mystérieuses”
- 16cm Lefèvre for Wagons-Lits soup pot, “3152”
- 23cm Lefèvre casserole “EPH”
- 60cm Pichon poissonière
- 22cm no-name rondeau
- Antique vs. vintage vs. modern
- The psychology of seasoning
- Everyday cooking with vintage copper cookware
- Tin is safe
- Flight of Gaillard Windsors
- Copper by hand: Historical poêlerie in Villedieu
- 40cm Mauviel for Chomette Favor stewpot
- Mauviel’s Masterpieces: Copper at the Grands Magasins Du Louvre, Paris
- My problems with Baumalu
- Doing bad things to copper
- Tarnish, Part 2: The end
- Tarnish, Part 1: The beginning
- Stuff I use: Bistro copper cleaner
- Salt, lemon, ketchup: Testing homemade copper cleaners
- The demise of Mauviel’s cast iron handles
- Counting Mauviel’s rivets
- Cupretam, Cuprinox, and Cupronil
- 26cm and 32cm Mauviel stockpots
- 18cm casserole à glacer
- 16cm bain marie à sauce
- Funny colors
- Stuff I use: Renaissance wax
- 26cm and 31cm Mauviel skillets
- Bad tin
- The zig-zags
- Stuff I use: Simichrome metal polish
- 40cm Gaillard rondeau
- 30cm Mauviel sauté
- 10 inch Lee & Wilkes Windsor
- 22cm, 24cm, and 28cm Dehillerin and Mauviel saucepans
- How to tell nickel from stainless
- 22cm soup pot and cul de poule
- Cleaning carbonized gunk
- The importance of being Ernest Mauviel
- Using typefaces to identify vintage copper
- The mystery of wrinkled brass handles (solved!)
- Interior finishes on stainless-lined pans
- 24cm and 28cm Bourgeat sauteuses bombées
- 38cm Lefèvre for Wagons-Lits rondeau
- 30cm Bottega del Rame padella due manici
- An interview with Jules Gouffé
- I smear pans so you don’t have to.
- 30cm aluminum Mauviel for Matfer stewpot
- 30cm likely Dehillerin stewpot “W”
- Set of daily-use Gaillard saucepans
- Removing polymerized oils
- 26cm sauté “W”
- 32cm Mauviel for Chomette Favor rondeau
- Rondeau, stewpot, soup pot, stockpot… how to tell the difference
- Searching eBay for French copper
- 28cm Havard rondeau
- 40cm daubière, “Louis XIV”
- 32cm Dehillerin stewpot “PN”
- 38cm daubière, “Henry VI”
- Trio of pans “Edmond James de Rothschild”
- 40cm daubière, “Henry VIII”
- 28cm nickel-lined Dehillerin stewpot
- 40cm Jacquotot oval gratin
- 36cm Gaillard daubière, “Napoleon”
- Unpacking a well-packed pan
- 40cm Mauviel sauté pan
- 50cm Gaillard stewpot “DD”
- A tale of character loved and lost
- 30cm saucepan “BG”
- 36cm J & E Gaillard sauté
- 40cm double-dovetailed stewpot “H.B.”
- 40cm Duval daubière, “Charlemagne”
- 44cm J. E. Gaillard sauté “Anglais”
- 50cm no-stamp rondeau
- Shipping boxes I have known
- 31cm skillet with helper handle
- 50cm jambonnière ovale
- 36cm sauté with helper handle, “British Transport Commission”
- 38cm Dehillerin stockpot “Lavigne”
- 30cm Jules Gaillard rondeau
- 34cm Dehillerin rondeau
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