Gallery | March 12, 2021
34cm sauté with fitted lid for Blaser et CieThis hefty sauté pan is a beautiful example of 1920s-1930s copper.
For the love of it
Gallery | March 12, 2021
34cm sauté with fitted lid for Blaser et CieThis hefty sauté pan is a beautiful example of 1920s-1930s copper.
Gallery | July 7, 2020
34cm brass-handled saucepan with helper handleHelp me get a handle on the handle on this helper-handled pot. Heh.
Gallery | March 25, 2020
34cm Jones Bros. saucepan “Moulton Paddocks”A historical house, a famous owner, a bygone maker — for me, this pot hits the trifecta.
Gallery | March 21, 2020
34cm Jules Gaillard and 36cm J. E. Gaillard saucepansThese two big pots are a master class in 20th century Gaillard coppercrafting.
Gallery | December 13, 2019
34cm H. Pommier stewpot, “ML”This beautiful piece puts me in mind of the story of why I started cooking with copper.
Gallery | December 2, 2018
34cm Dehillerin rondeauThis is the first vintage copper pot I bought, and it’s my favorite.