Gallery | September 6, 2024
46cm Dehillerin-Legry daubièreThis special piece brings together two of my favorite makers in an unexpected way.
For the love of it
Gallery | September 6, 2024
46cm Dehillerin-Legry daubièreThis special piece brings together two of my favorite makers in an unexpected way.
Gallery | March 26, 2021
DITR: 24cm Miquelard sauté panWhen a seller underestimates the quality of a piece, it can mean that a deal is to be had.
Gallery | October 9, 2020
Trio of Legry saucepansThese very fancy ladies have somehow ended up with the wrong hats.
Gallery | December 13, 2019
34cm H. Pommier stewpot, “ML”This beautiful piece puts me in mind of the story of why I started cooking with copper.
Gallery | July 27, 2019
16cm and 18cm stewpots, “Les mystérieuses”Like enigmatic heiresses in an Agatha Christie mystery, these two sisters drop tantalizing clues about their history.
Gallery | February 19, 2019
22cm, 24cm, and 28cm Dehillerin and Mauviel saucepansThese three saucepans represent three generations of French copper craftsmanship and I think it’s worth considering them together.
Gallery | December 5, 2018
50cm Gaillard stewpot “DD”This pan manages to look elegant just filled with firewood.