Tag: dovetails
Gallery | September 3, 2021
36cm Dehillerin stewpot “Cité Universitaire de Paris”The swing handles are just one unusual element of this pre-war stewpot.
Gallery | August 3, 2020
Guest showcase: 16cm dovetailed WindsorAs owner Matt puts it, “My expectations were massively exceeded.”
Identification | July 29, 2020
Scrollwork handles and the cockerel stampA unique stamp meets a beautiful handle design.
Gallery | June 30, 2020
Guest showcase: 16cm and 18cm soup potsThese two pots solved a mystery for me.
Gallery | February 10, 2020
27cm Van Neuss-Pommier saucepanLike H. Pommier himself, this saucepan has a lot of Van Neuss DNA in it.
Gallery | January 26, 2020
Set of three roasting pans, “Les trois sœurs”These three sisters belong together.
Gallery | January 12, 2020
32cm swing-handled high-top daubièreThis antique piece is a master class in clever construction.
Gallery | September 13, 2019
14cm Dehillerin soup pot “Hotel de Paris”This is the Jimmy Stewart of soup pots — tall and skinny and quite charming.
Gallery | July 27, 2019
16cm and 18cm stewpots, “Les mystérieuses”Like enigmatic heiresses in an Agatha Christie mystery, these two sisters drop tantalizing clues about their history.
Gallery | December 10, 2018
38cm daubière, “Henry VI”I had a really clever reason for naming this daubière after Henry VI, but really, when it comes down to it, they just look so much alike.
Gallery | December 9, 2018
40cm daubière, “Henry VIII”This daubière is as dashing as its namesake, Henry VIII of England. Even its handles are cocked with the same rakish élan as the King’s feathered hat.
Gallery | December 3, 2018
40cm Duval daubière, “Charlemagne”Of all the types of copper pots and pans I have, it is the daubières that seem to have the most personality. This one is named Charlemagne.